Thursday, June 29, 2006

Sinking Feeling

I get this sinking feeling... so I look up. There is a sparkling waver 10 feet or so above me. It is twinkling as if it were sunshine just above a water surface. Oh too clearly I realize that I am looking at exactly what I think I am. "Swim! Swim", I tell myself but only to find my cerebral cortex has no longer a reign or ruling over my limbs. "Oh wait! The cerebral cortex doesnt control motor function." Sinking.. Sinking.. "What is it? What is it???" I have no choice but to see the twinkling above me slowly disappear with the distance growing between me and what will keep me alive... Oxygen.

Hours ago, if I'm not mistaken I was lying in my bed just dozing off. Wasn't it just hours ago? Sinking... Sinking... Ok, well I'm not getting any closer to the top and unfortunately I am picking up speed on the downward thing I'm apparently stuck in. I find myself patiently wondering if one could reach terminal velocity in water given enough fall time. I find myself in a spiralling motion moments after I even think the words terminal velocity. I am picking up speed, and this cannot be good.

The pain... The pain from holding my breath is now noticable. Thinking about all these other things has kept me from thinking about it thus far but now the physical effects of it are starting to sink in. Cough *no pun intended* "Twist! How could you make a joke at a time like this?" "I guess there would be no better time to." Sinking... Sinking...



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