Careful, I say the word Penis....
Ok, so there I was sitting at my desk typing away at my keyboard when the wind decides to gust in through the windows just behind me. Paperwork that I am reading from as I type begins fluttering around and shuffling to the point that it would require a heavy astigmatism to read it... (Ok bad analogous reference). So I decide, being as well endowed that I am to use my penis as a paperweight. Well there I am typing away trying to be productive when I notice this prairie-dogging effect taking place over to the right side of my cubicle.
"Oh my", I think, however did this happen. Well to say the least my cubicle is within an office itself and in order to get to it you must walk along an outside wall around to it with no way back out than to turn around. Well as all the girls decided to come take a peek at my "PaperWeight", a traffic jam began to occur. The girls that had walked past catching the glimpse they so desired had to head back out either to work or to line up again. There is only maybe 2 1/2 feet or so along the wall so girls began running into one another and to my dismay a couple accidently started making out. So there I was... trying to work veraciously(even a word?) while girls are making out all around me... why can't they just let a man work in peace.
And they say men at work are difficult to work around.
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