Thursday, June 29, 2006

I Love My Dog

1. My dog will not eat more than a nibble or two until I get home.
2. My dog is not dangerously jealous if I pet another dog.
3. My dog loves me no matter what.
4. My dog doesnt need much to be happy. (Food, Water, Snuggles, and Affection)
5. My dog will never leave me for another owner when I cannot always keep her happy. (see #3)
6. My dog thinks I am the greatest thing in the world.
7. My dog wants to be with me 100% of the time but doesnt hold grudges if I want time alone.
8. My dog will listen to anything I have to say.
9. My dog can keep secrets.
10. My dog doesnt care if I smell awful after a long day at work or manual labor.
11. My dog loves whatever kind of music I have on.
12. My dog loves the same TV shows.
13. My dog wont break my heart intentionally.



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